I am disappointed. I am irked. I am even grieved. I feel that in my life there has been some great growth (even though there are still struggles of course). I can see it. It is tangible. But this morn I am sad as there are some that seem to be walking backwards. I want to be connected with them. I want to be friends with them, but I don't condone their behavior. I don't want that behavior to become a norm for me and okay to be surrounded by. Words of grace come up, and there is grace, but what does that mean. There is also truth and uprightness to consider. I am no better than anyone else but I want to strive for things that are pure, lovely, admirable, holy.... not sit in the cultural norm and be apathetic. When I think of grace, I think of forgiveness. I think of encouraging each other out of our struggles and sins, and into peace and joy by acting on truths that we find. I don't think that grace means accepting each others sins as okay and looking the other way, letting each person struggle on their own until they can find a way out themselves. I know that Jesus associated with prostitutes, drunkards, and people of horrible character, but he changed them. He offered grace to the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery, but then he offered truth. He told them to go and sin no more. He offered it to a rich man too but it was too much for that man. Jesus didn't say well it's all okay then, come around when you feel like it.... he moved on. There is always a choice to make. There is grace but truth is tied into it. There is no grace for evil, there is only grace for people.
I was reminded this week of a time when someone close to me was offered counseling before considering divorce. She was not a Christian and the counselor was and so their views were very different. I had thought that she shouldn't be held to what he said because she didn't believe that way. I remember when I realized that I was wrong about that too. I know that she did not understand a viewpoint backed up by the truth of God's word, but that didn't mean that she wasn't accountable to it. If I believe that there is one true God and that everyone is judged by Him in the end, then everyone is accountable to those same rules whether they choose to believe or go on their way. I think at that point of realization, I started to give any advice in a different way. I will always now give a truthful word, no matter the background. It sometimes gives people a second look because that means it is not always the popular opinion. I seem to not be in the normal popular opinion often now. And that doesn't mean that I waste my words but if asked about something important, I will try and not make an emotional response but reflect a second on the bigger picture and give a biblical response. I am not quoting scriptures at anyone either- they may not know that the opinion is based on biblical concepts, but I know my God is bigger than what we can see. He is not biased, and He is fair. He is loving but there is also consequence of choosing sin.
Anyways, I am not trying to declare that I am better than anyone but I read about staying away from certain things and striving for certain things, and there is no in between for me. You either believe it or you don't, but you have to decide which- it can't be both. You can give grace and love to every person but I really don't think that means you accept every action as okay. Some things are just not okay.
I hope writing this out settles some things in my mind today because I am disappointed. Big time. I want to hold on to people but I don't want that to keep me stuck, or pull me back to a place unwanted. *Sigh. There will definitely be prayer about this in the next few days.
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