Saturday, September 18, 2010

prayers of the heart kind

Suffering brings perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope.
I always take what I can learn and am glad that I can then understand someone elses plight. It's like when you get the flu before your child does. You can understand what they can't say in words. It was like that when I lost my babe...and immediately. I think I was trying to understand and rationalize what had happened. I was glad that I had a chance to see my baby and I hope that God can use that one day. I have always had a passion to help people understand the affects of abortion. I thought that maybe one day God would use my experience for that purpose. To know a baby in the time when it should be covered by it's mother's body. My baby was real and growing and had purpose.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is manic depressive;) I can feel when people are praying for me. I had anxiety attacks today....but I feel lighter, more peaceful, I feel hope. I think that comes when you share. A human connection.


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