Monday, February 25, 2013


Abigail. A peacemaker.
The story: Her husband was selfish. A stranger looked out for him. He repayed good for evil. He didn't give a crap who helped him out. He didn't owe them anything. Sound familiar? Selfish.
But Abigail was a peacemaker. She tried to fix things. She ran ahead to smooth things out. To make things easier. Sound familiar?
And then she waited. She knew there was a right time to tell her husband all of what she knew, in order to keep his anger from coming. She was wise. She did what was right regardless. She won favor. She calmed the backlash. Peacemaker.
And she was saved. And so was the enemy that wasn't really an enemy to begin with. And her husband was saved.... but then he reaped his evil on his own head, and it killed him. The end. Well, for him.
She went on to be protected by the stranger. A king. King David. And she was cared for by the King. And she was cared for by The King. The real end.

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