Friday, March 4, 2011

just a little joy

If you just ask, your husband will empty the dishwasher. If you just ask God, he will give you joy while you are at the dentist. Let your need be known.
I am not even joking. It's been a hard week. I am struggling to overcome. I am still finding joy everywhere. It tells me that God will continue this healing until he completes it. Kids are all fevering now and coughing up a storm. I went to the dentist yesterday. To get my first two cavities filled. I am thirty so no one shows compassion. It was a sad day;) But really, if you have struggled with anxiety, someone covering your mouth is not a fun time. I was so nervous and I was praying. The verses in Psalm 23 came to me....Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.....your rod and your staff, they comfort me.....your rod and your staff, they comfort cup runneth over....
I found my soul smiling at the dentist. (And I felt no pain at all.) This is a strange story but I am determined to find joy and not let fear run wild. Another scripture unlocked in my self....I want to study that one now.
And about the dishwasher, my wonderful husband heard that I was overwhelmed with the counter full of dirty dishes that had been neglected while I tended to sick kids. and he cleaned up the whole mess for me. Joy.

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