Friday, March 25, 2011

little wisdoms

I had coffee with an older friend this week. I have enjoyed hanging with olders since I was young. I like to soak in the wisdom of someone who has been through it already. I enjoy the quietness of the soul that knows that God is faithful in whole. I know it but I think just in part. God is wholly faithful but I am party scared to death still.
I turned thirty with excitement for getting older and wiser. I am finding it brings some new issues. I am more aware of my health. My body is aching from having five pregnancies in four years. (I have pelvic floor relapse, a diastisis, and a umbilical hernia). I am more sensitive to medicines and foods. I am more aware of people around me getting sick. 
I wish sometimes that I had taken the time to enjoy my kids and not rushed for the next one. I think I wanted to build up my family quickly in fear that I didn't know how many children I would lose or gain. Another affect of my miscarriages. It took so long to wait until four months, three get past the safe zone of pregnancy and then find out I had to start all over again. And even then, what if I lost a child. But my God is faithful and he is not punishing me for anything. I have three healthy children, besides the minor issue, and God is rebuilding my faith. I had been sideswiped by tragedy. God was still there. I don't think I even am afraid of death but of pain. I want to guard all things. I want to protect. Sometimes we have to bear pain....and sometimes our children have to bear pain. It will build character.
I will be glad when I look back as a peaceful and steady old woman. My smile wrinkles will be the deepest and my heart full of blessing.

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