Wednesday, October 6, 2010

into the world

My biggest boy is now in preschool. It is oddly enough not too hard to let him go....that is if he is happy. He loved preschool for the first while and now, while he always has lots of fun, he doesn't want to stay without me. It is hard to let go when he is upset.
I am now trying to manouver playdates or anything that will make him feel more comfortable. It feels like highschool instead of preschool. I want him to encounter kids of all sorts and learn to accept, while keeping his beliefs and standards. I want to pick the kids he plays with and he doesn't know any of them yet.
The parents are joining the kids in new relationships or old cliques. Can't it be simple. They are only three and four years old. Tommorrow we have a playdate. I hope we make good relationships, both him and I....

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel. I always want Ethan to have nice friends who treat him well. I want him to be accepted and liked. I want him to treat others thoughtfully and kindly. This parenting thing is hard on so many levels.


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