I think that our church should change it's name to: "We Don't Care What Denomination we are, We just are, in Him, Church on the MOUNTAIN." I know it's long but it would be suiting.
The family of Christians that attend my home church are made up of people that have been thrown and chosen to move from one location, with different pastors, to another. There has been a cult-like pentecostal church, a baptist church, a home group, a church plant, and another pentecostal church. There has been a pastor that was a liar, one that left and then left his wife, and one who was voted out for no good reason that I can see, among others. Everyone has been hurt and everyone has moved around. But now everyone co-exists in a building shared. It is all still the same family. The same people. They are still overcoming. And there is change. I think that God is calling back the broken youth that are now grown up and have families of their own. I am one of those. We are all slowly trickling in.
A few years back, all of these people who stayed in this town, came together. At first for two separate services by two denominations. Then they joined to one. Now in jest some call themselves bapti-costals.
God has restored. He is rebuilding. I love this family.
The only thing now that I see....that struck me on Sunday morning, were the young woman, standing alone. Not many of my bests has a God-fearing man by her side (at least not here). Some have Christian husbands, some don't, and some have altogether left their husbands. All of us mothers with beautiful children. Raising the next generation to know our faithful God.... alone. I think not. I am waiting. This change will come too......
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