Friday, March 16, 2012

A story in part.

Titus 2:3-5~ Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. They can train the much younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

I love my Grandma. I just talked to her for hours on the phone this morning. She did all of this in what she said. She has lived and she is wise. She has many stories and if you listen, you can hear her heart, you can hear about what has brought her brokeness in life, and you will hear that she will do anything to fight for her family the best she knows how. She is a keeper of things, but she is a giver. She doesn't want to miss a need. She wasn't raised lovingly, but she raised my cousins out of love, when her children were already grown. And the God who knows her, who she trusts in, loves her.

I have good memories of her house from when we were growing up. My cousin was one of my best friends. Some memories are wild, like of all the cousins taking little red tricycles and flying down the big hill beside her house until your legs flew off from the speed. Then we would dart into the farm road (and sometimes the farm fence) at the bottom of the hill, to avoid a busy road down a little ways further. We had a playhouse to play in that my Grandpa built, and trees to climb.
My Grandma, she taught us manners, fruits of the Spirit, table settings, proper speech, and how to color in little circles at the edge of a drawing- to stay in the lines. I remember her picking lice out of mine and my cousins hair, past bedtime, when it broke out in our schools, and it being fun. I remember her taking us for walks down the hill to pick raspberries, always teaching along the way. She is a woman who brought change to her lineage....


  1. I love this! I only have one Grandmother left, started out with six, believe it or not between greatgrandmothers, stepgrandmothers, adopted grandmothers, and then of course, the real deal. The one I do have left is a stepgrandmother, and I ache at the thought of losing her, mostly because she is 1)wonderful, I love her dearly, and 2) she is an outright atheist, and that breaks my heart. She refuses to hear a single word about God...
    Regardless of that, I love that lady, I admire her courage and her stamina because she's been through hell in her life, and she smiles constantly. At eighty years old, she is a volunteer firefighter, and no, I am not kidding!
    Isn't it wonderful what a treasured part of our lives a dear grandmother can be! So very glad yours loves the Lord, and believing mine will too someday. ;)

  2. sorry, I just saw this.. Yes, I would love it if you would :) Her name is Betty. Thank you!


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