I have been dreaming lots lately. The other night I had a dream about my fears. Then two nights ago I had a dream that was full of rage, seething with anger. Not a fun dream at all. The kind of dream that carries that feeling throughout the day and messes with reality.
But it is reality coming out. I am going to look into that dream and ponder it. It had meaning. Roots. I don't like it at all. I know that I have impatience and anger. It coincides with fear. I am hoping, like I have said before, that this is blown out of the water. I can't see clearly because I am in the middle of it all. These kind of dreams are very revealing. Thank God that I am a work in progress. Some days I overcome and some days I wanna go lay at the bottom of the mountain on the lowest ground and stay there for a long while.
I was thinking about many things while driving home yesterday. It was very windy and dark clouds were coming in over the highway. All you could see was a storm but as I reached the next road, the skies were clear blue and the wind stopped. Sometimes all you need is a turn in the road to see past the storm. :)
I saw this dream come out in a situation and felt the feeling that coincides with it yesterday. Ugh. So hard. I don't know how this will change but it will.... I hope....