Saturday, January 28, 2012

A small world.

I am feeling a bit chaotic at the moment. Perhaps overwhelmed by the inklings of enormous change that are happening all around me and even in me. I am blown away at what God can use and how he can wind people in and out of ours lives. It also brings in me a caution of things that I do and say. I have been asking God for this though and welcome it. I want to have a firm view on how to speak wisely about people. I often do not do a good job at this. Anger has me venting in frustration sometimes. Sometimes it is for good purpose, I mean well, but I overstep and ignore the caution that I feel inside.
This also brings me to think about situations in me that I didn't deal with and think that it is too late to do so. We somehow think time or distance can make things go away, or get better, but there is always potential for a piece to weave it's way back to you. I am grateful in this that I know a merciful God. He is continually working all things for the good. He is not done with me yet. I will choose not to forget where he has brought me and therefore foolishly think I have found a plateau of perfection.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.


  1. Times of change can be very exciting - you may reflect on them for the rest of your life - helping you grow long after they are over.

  2. :) <3 Yes, I actually just bought a journal reserved for this year. Last year was a stripping and this year is about rebuilding I am thinking. I want to record it so that I don't forget what God has done.


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