Saturday, January 15, 2011

A post from my mind's log.

I have reached the top of the mountain folks. It is not jagged and dangerous. And I can't see down the other side. It is a plateau. I can see the skyline of the other side, but not the ground below. Not even close. Not even the path. Just a knotty, muddy field. I can't see the ruts under the inspiring beauty of the blowing wheat grass, and I fall down every so many steps. The wind smells pure. I can run into it but it is still pushing against me. I am stronger. It almost holds me upright as I trek through this field. It is miles across. I am enjoying the view now and don't mind not seeing the other side. I don't need to. It is just me and the wind up here. And expanses of sky. It makes me hopeful. There could be any view over the edge when I reach it and I am hopeful in dreaming about what will be there when I get there...... 


  1. This is beautiful. I look forward to reaching a place like this.

  2. You will:) At first in glimpses and then in days.

  3. I had a glimpse today. A small one, but something nonetheless.


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